Aug 27, 2021
CValdo was selected to prepare a preliminary design report for control of fine-grained sediment in Lake Jennings due to storm runoff from Quail Creek. As part of the East County Advanced Water Purification Program (ECAWP), Helix Water District along with the County of...
Aug 18, 2021
CValdo is on the winning team to prepare final engineering for the replacement of the City’s existing potable water clearwell with two new 4.0 MG reservoirs. CValdo’s role is to analyze the existing drainage system which serves as the clearwell emergency overflow...
May 18, 2021
CValdo was selected to provide on-call plan check services to the Riverside County Transportation Department (RCTD). These services were previously provided by CValdo to RCTD under on-call contracts from 2013 to 2018 and 2018 to 2021. In addition to plan check, prior...
Aug 8, 2012
Riverside County Flood Control District LID Testing and Demonstration Project – CValdo prepared PS&E for a testing facility designed to enable long-term research on the effectiveness and operations and maintenance requirements for stormwater Low Impact Development...
Aug 8, 2012
43rd and Logan Stormwater Treatment – CValdo prepared PS&E for design of 25 curbside stormwater filtration units, a trash capture pretreatment vault, and a biofiltration planter for this City of San Diego pilot project. The project goal was to reduce the discharge...